Wednesday, August 5, 2009

No, Not THAT Bible

We all have a book that is our "Bible". After an insane day like yesterday, I go home and read mine (and no, I don't read it in the john).

So what is Dr. Grumpy's bible? Some neurological work by Charcot? A medicine tome by Osler? Nope.

My staff has learned that when I refer to "The Bible" I mean a small book (I've given them all copies) called "Kill as Few Patients as Possible" by Oscar London, M.D. It's a remarkable collection of 57 essays on "how to be the world's greatest doctor". It's a scream. I first read it in 1992 in medical school, and it's since been kept at arm's reach. Any aspiring physician (or anyone who needs a good laugh) should get it.

(Disclosure- I do not know who Dr. London is, I am not selling copies of this, and I have no financial interest in any booksellers whatsoever).

So, Dr. London, if you are reading this, I just want you to know that I think you are awesome. And I continue to try to practice by your rules.


  1. Kill As Few Patients As Possible is available used at in paperback for as little as a penny...

    I've ordered mine. Thanks for the heads up.



  2. For my pharmacy friends, one essay is called something like: "Don't be the last doc on your block to own a plastic gall bladder! See your drug rep today!"

  3. I just forwarded this blog post to someone who's husband just finished medical school. I figure get 'em while they're young and sleep deprived.

  4. I've read all his books and he makes me die laughing.

  5. Love this book - Dr. London is funny even from a patient's point of view. I thought about giving a copy to my own doc, but was concerned that the title

  6. I read that one during medical school too - right after "The House of God".
    Both brilliant!

  7. how funny. I work for a medical publisher (a big one), and my job is heading the translation rights/foreign language sales department. I'd love to sell this one! :)

  8. I have SO got to find a copy of this book!

  9. It's late on Sunday night and instead of sensibly going to bed, I've been staying up late reading your archives.

    Love the blog. It cracks me up.

    Anyway, I had to comment on this post because the book you mentioned is one I recognized. I read it a few years ago and it was indeed great. :)

    You pretty much have to love a book called "Kill As Few Patients As Possible".

  10. That is an awesome book. I've had it for years. I just found your blog by accident and have spent about 5 hours of the last 24 catching up on back posts and laughing. Keep up the good work!

  11. If it's anywhere near as good as "House of God", I'll love it!!


So wadda you think?