Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Beggars as Choosers

You people are in the damn Medicare donut hole, and I understand that. You call my office looking for free samples, and I try to help. Your internist has a "no samples" policy, but I try to be nice and help you guys save some dollars when you are in the Medicare donut hole, because I know how damn expensive your pills are, and I am trying to help. That's why I became a doctor.

I called my drug rep, and he was actually quite nice, and dropped off a case of your damn pills. It was easy, because his company accidentally sent him a case of samples labeled in Spanish that was meant for a neighborhood across town. So he was happy to contribute it to your care, instead of having to fill out the paperwork to send it back to his company.

They are the same damn pills. You can see them through the plastic. The same pill name and pictures are on the same damn box. You can see that for yourself.

I am trying to help you. So don't stand in my damn lobby and yell at me and Mary because you don't want "pills for Mexicans". You want free pills? Here they are. I wrote the instructions out in English, for crying out loud.

You are the losers who stomped out because I didn't have pills with English packaging, and now you're calling back. Sorry, but now that you've gone home and realized how much it costs to buy the same pills, it's too late to have a change of heart. I'm going to give them to a decent, non-bigoted person. And don't whine to me about how you may not have enough money to buy them. You had your chance at a damn month of free pills, and stomped out with attitude.


  1. Wow. My company health plan is nothing but a doughnut hole. My hubby and I will take them off your hands, we've had to d/c anticonvulsants (for migraines and the like) because of the price.

  2. Yeah! Screw you in the neck you stupid old person you.

  3. Hey, if some doctor is nice enough to give out a free month of pills, the directions can be in Old Norse for all I care. I'm going to be thankful!

  4. Good for you Grumpy. Damned ingrates! No good deed goes unpunished. ;)

  5. It's times like these that you sometimes just want to smack people upside the head. It might make YOU feel better.

  6. Wow. They actually had the audacity to call back? Funny how money just changes everything.

  7. Nice. I'd like to think that they'd learn something from this, but I have a nagging feeling nothing will change.

  8. Good for you, Dr. Grumpy. Ron White is right, you can't fix stupid.

  9. Time for the "find a new doc, and let the door hit you on the way out" letter. Life is too short.

  10. Thunderous applause to you, Dr Grumpy!

  11. I wonder if these same people make the same stance to not buy multilingual products at the stores. Directions and user guides often come in a lot of different languages, I wonder if they piss on them too?

    What whiners. You have incredible patience, Dr. Grumpy!

  12. I wish I could have had an opportunity to get samples when I hit the price limit when I was taking Pentasa and another drug for small bowel Crohn's. Those drugs where very expensive and they where both to old for samples.

  13. You bloody ROCK, Doc! I'm the only Spanish speaker (as a second language, but it helps) at our pharmacy and the number of times I've gotten reamed by a customer for helping someone in their native tongue just makes me want to do violence with a counting spatula! Way to teach those people that help should be appreciated.

  14. I think it's great that you went above & beyond the call of duty to help these people. Better yet is that you refused to hand over the goods after they had the "duh!" moment. It's always sad to see how ugly some people can be.

  15. In the UK, I have had pills in Spanish, Greek, French labels etc, etc. They all work the same you stupid flaming biyatch!

  16. "I don't want pills for Mexicans." What a friggin' buffoon. You should've offered to give him the pills if he came back, but ONLY if he asked for them nicely, in properly constructed Spanish sentences.

  17. Where DO you find them?

    Are you a magnet for them?

    Your experiences are beyond coincidental. It seems you have a built-in beacon for these crazyees.

    And in keeping with the Spanish language theme, have you ever thought of getting yourself a "despojo"?

    In the Afro-Cuban religion Santeria, this is where you sacrifice a live chicken to the orishas, then get splashed down with holy water, chicken blood and rum, all to the tribal beat of a conga drum. You might want to have the ceremony in your waiting area during maximum capacity.

    It sounds like fun. Put it on YouTube!

  18. Wow. I hope they fall on a fork.

  19. They didn't need it that badly if that was their reaction. I remember when I was still in school, I needed Imitrex so badly and the student ins hit it's paultry max. I paid for it once using my book money for the next semester and my doc told me never to do that again...they would figure it out. I tried to make what I had last, but when I was desperate, I would call and when I came in to get it, I would bring what I could afford...homemade cookies or brownies or whatever with a note telling him and his assistant how much I appreciated it. The combination of demanding and ingrateful never ceases to annoy me!

  20. What is so sad is that I hear many people say the same thing at the pharmacy drive-through, yet they drive off in a luxury vehicle, wearing prada and twirling 3 carat diamond rings on fat fingers. Way to go Dr. Grumpy for giving these ingrates what for!!


So wadda you think?