Thursday, July 16, 2009

Speaking of Needing Duct Tape.........

At breakfast today Frank and Marie had a fight, and she threw a handful of pepper at his plate.

He coughed twice and sneezed, and a lady at the table behind us jumped up, grabbed her tray, and loudly said to her husband “RONALD!!! Let’s get out of here! I think that kid has SWINE FLU!”

We’ll have to wait and see if we finish the trip in quarantine.


  1. Goodness, Dr. Grumpy. Where do these people come from?... Either you're one very alert person (though, in this case, I suppose a screaming woman is difficult not to notice)or the paranoia and stupidity of the human race trails you around like some army.

  2. A little bit of both. I seem to attract stupidity and paranoia (though they are universal) and likely just notice it more than others.

    If it weren't for those factors I wouldn't have a blog.

  3. LOL, is everything you write about for your vacation real? Seems like a lot of calmaity for a family vacation. I wish my vacations could be as entertaining.

  4. Yes.

    Like I said, I'm not so sure it's any different from anyone else. I think I just notice the insanity more.

  5. I can't believe the number of morons you meet at work and even on holiday - it's scary!

  6. See my previous comment.

    Stupidity and hydrogen are universal.

  7. Bleeeh. Hubby and I went on a cruise around Italy/Greece and were bored to tears during the at-sea days. Much preferred it when his parents rented an apartment in Venice for a week but I guess that doesn't come with built-in babysitting.

    /missed the trip to the Greek coast where they rented a bungalow with a private cove

  8. It would have been awfully tempting to start squealing at the table.

  9. Yep - a couple "oinks" out of Frank would have been quite funny. And, I really like Marie's style.

    As for your endless supply of "experiences," we call it the 95% rule. [I pray each night that I truly am in the 5%...]


So wadda you think?