Thursday, June 4, 2009

WOW! If I Drown, that Would be Great to Have!

Our Science Marches On Department, in North Carolina, has kindly brought the following product to my attention.

It's a portable computer for bicyclists, to help calculate speed, distance ridden, calories burned, stock prices, whatever.

Anyway, please note that under "Basic Features", in the lower right corner, that it is waterproof to 10 meters (32 feet).

I gotta say, if you find yourself riding your bike more than 30 feet underwater, the number of calories you're burning (especially without access to oxygen) is the least of your worries.

(click to enlarge)


  1. Ok, I had to go check my bike computer and it does say that, LOL. I only cared about how far I went and at what speed, nice to know I may also find out the depth of water if I don't slow down on that one curve.

  2. Probably applies more to knowing that it isn't going to break if you go riding in the rain.

  3. Is there a pill for helping anonymous commenters detect sarcasm?

  4. The underwater feature is for cyclists suffering through another ride in Vancouver, BC.

  5. Now THAT is an anaerobic workout!

  6. I think it is so that if it somehow gets dropped in water (pond, lake, etc.) it will still work, if you manage to fetch it.

  7. Note that these days nothing containing hollow space is marked "waterproof"--it's always rated to how much pressure it can take. You'll see that same 10m of water resist on a lot of stuff that is simply built to be immune to casual water.


So wadda you think?