Monday, June 8, 2009

It's The Little Old Lady from Pasadena

Last night, on my way home from the hospital, Mrs. Grumpy called and asked me to stop for some tomatoes (don't get me started). So I pulled into Local Grocery.

Inside Local Grocery, one aisle looked like a war zone. A large cardboard display had fallen over and was torn in half. Cans were everywhere, like a bulldozer had driven through a display. There were a few potted plants from a nearby gardening display that were lying on their sides, with soil spilling out. A small army of teenagers with push brooms were working on the mess.

But, since I was in hurry, I grabbed my tomatoes and left.

I'd forgotten about it until today. My 10:30 is a sweet old lady with serious balance problems, who recently got a motorized scooter. So I asked her how she's been doing with learning to drive it.

"I've been doing fine. Or at least I thought I was. I keep forgetting how to stop it, and last night I was going down the aisle at Local Grocery, when I tried to slow down and swerve around this huge display of cans........"


  1. that must have made your day. did they make her pay for the damages?

  2. It's a good question. I didn't have the heart to ask.

  3. I must be getting old.

    It's the title of a 1960's Jan & Dean song about a wild-driving, drag-racing old lady.

    Here's a cheesy old TV appearance of them lip-syncing it.

  4. I must be getting old too. I started humming the song as soon as I saw the title of your post.

  5. Stopping at the grocery store seems to be a dangerous adventure you.

  6. I know, but damnit, SOMEBODY has got to get the tomatoes.

  7. Why you? If Mrs Grumpy needs them for whatever it is she needs them for, why can't she get them? (Unless it's pregnancy craving!)

  8. I must be old right along with the rest of you....I started singing the song as soon as I read the words...hahaha!!

    Curiosity is killing this cat: what is the deal with the tomatoes?

  9. lanlockedtxn:

    It's a reference to a comment I made a few weeks ago in this post:

  10. I love it! At least it won't keep you up at night anymore wondering how the display got knocked over! lol ;-)

  11. go granny go granny go granny go....

  12. That is hilarious!! So did you have to leave the room to just laugh?

    (BTW...I love your phrase "small army of teenagers"...well chosen. very funny.)

    Maybe Mrs. Grumpy feels that summer has arrived just by having tomatoes around. Does she decorate with them?

  13. Hey, I live in Pasadena

  14. Fiz, you must not be married, if you have to ask that question.

    I guess I'm old too (at 29), 'cause that damn song is now going to keep me awake. Dr. Grumpy, remind me not to read your blog right before bed, please.

  15. I gotta know what she does with the tomatoes.

  16. I am very married ,Sabra - 30 years in August.

  17. Isn't it great when you can meet the source of local destruction and mayhem? Keep the stories comin Dr Grumpy! And figure out what's going on with the tomatoes - the mystery is killing me!

  18. This reminds me of the time i was working the tractor lawn mower and couldn't stop it. It was either taking out the clothes line or the fence that was just put up.

  19. Your not old - some people aren't cultured.

    I'm 28 and understood the reference to the song.


  20. Grumpy I'm 25 this year and I knew the song. I might even know some Elvis tunes too...oh, snap!!


So wadda you think?