Saturday, June 6, 2009

Fun on Rounds

Checking a cantankerous old guy's vision at the hospital today.

Dr. Grumpy: "What color is my hair, sir?"

Mr: Evenmoregrumpy: "You're a half-bald asshole!"

(for the record, Mrs. Grumpy says that's the correct answer)


  1. Haaaaaaaaa! Such subjective questions to elicit an objective response. For starters, my Asian spouse says (and maybe thinks) my hair is as black as sin, but the hairs on my head actually are (or have been truly naturally) auburn, ash-blonde, brown, and brunette, with gray sprinkled highlights. In the sunshine and under 100 watts the lighter hues seem to appear. In less light, the hair appears darker, and after a very justified argument with said spouse, it could very well might appear pitch black.

    I think my spouse's hair is all black of one particular follicular diameter, so no variation in 'darkness', but depending on how long since it's been washed, can have a blue-black or softer brownish black sheen.

    Never know ahead of time whether in measuring a guy's vision whether the correct answer is really is as clear as it may seem. (Then, too, there's the possibility --greater in males, of color blindness.)

  2. Sounds like something my grandfather would say.
    Then again, he's 84, so he can pretty much say whatever he wants.

  3. I almost cant wait till I'm old enough to get away with a remark like that...

  4. That's funny! His GAF is better than mine! I think at that comment, you can end your consult! If a person's funny bone works, everything else must be in order.

  5. LOL that's hilarious! Once this old lady told me to stop wearing so black eyeliner because it makes me look "easy". I wasn't wearing any makeup - only massive raccoon eyes caused by the fourth night shift.

  6. and that's why Mrs. Grumpy loves you......

  7. I have yet another role model!


So wadda you think?