Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Einstein She Ain't

A new drug rep, Ms. Pharmafakeones, brought lunch to my office today, piling a bunch of sandwiches wrapped in white paper on the break room table.

Ms. Pharmafakeones was furious. She'd ordered 4 roast beef and 4 turkey sandwiches, and was angry because she'd asked the deli to label them so people could tell what kind of sandwich it was without opening it.

Instead (according to her), the deli had only written "their own codes" on the wrappers, so she wasn't sure which were which.

My staff noticed that 4 of the wrappers said "RB", and the other 4 said "Gobbler".

Ms. Pharmafakeones was amazed at how my staff were able to figure this out.


  1. I think that perhaps it wasn't actually Ms. Pharmafakeones who brought you the sandwiches, but instead Ms. Hasntaclue.

  2. One of the few benefits of working for The Firm--they've totally banned Big Pharma. NO drug reps. I don't have to see them, don't have to refuse to see them, The Firm provides some basic generic drugs for samples and has an indigent patient drug program for other things, so it's a win-win for everyone.

  3. I guess her fake ones are the only reason she got hired...

  4. You gotta love her, tell me did she set up another lunch?

  5. Haha, but "Gobbler" is longer than "Turkey". What the hell kind of code is that?

  6. By fakeones, I assume you meant cerebral hemispheres?

  7. No child left behind.

    Yeah, I know. That's political. Don't approve it. I understand. But jeez louize. Sad.


So wadda you think?