Thursday, June 11, 2009

Early Morning at the Hospital

I was called in during the night to see a sweet old lady who'd fallen down and had a small brain bleed. When I was done examining her she asked me if I'd talk to her son "Big Hank" out in the waiting room. I said I'd be happy to.

"Big Hank" was the only person out there, and certainly was big. 6'5", maybe 280 pounds. Walrus moustache. In a lovely yellow & orange floral print dress. And a matching purse. Nylons. Black high-heel pumps.


  1. My mouth dropped to the floor after that one. Such contrasting images, and it leads to so many questions. Did Big Hank not have time to change? Or, was he simply secure enough to be himself? If the latter is the case, more power to him.

  2. Nylons and floral prints are out this season. Did you tell Hank that?

  3. Dreamingtree- I wanted to ask that. But was afraid to find out.

    Reality- I try not to alert the fashion police, as Mrs. Grumpy has threatened to call them on me many a time.

    I did, however, want to know where he found the pumps in his size.

  4. in medical school, I did an OB/GYN rotation. In clinic I interviewed a new patient, a 30-something year old woman with a complaint of menstrual pain. Took the history, handed her a paper gown, said I'd come back in a few moments. When I returned she was wearing the gown, lying down on the exam table. So the nurse & I got into position to do the vaginal exam, only to find a penis. The patient burst out laughing.

  5. kudos to the mom..sometimes you just gotta take the kids they way you get them. Wonder if they shop together.

  6. Dr. Grumpy, you have a way of bringing me a smile, and a laugh. Great day in the morning. You are a blessing.

  7. They actually have stores that sell high heels in larger mens probably for rocky horror picture show, eh, grumpy? LOL

  8. We did did problems in physics about the force at the point of impact on the floor from spike heels, but never did one where the person weighed 280 lbs (127 kg).

    What a hilarious post--totally unexpected punchline.

  9. I can only hope. But it ain't Halloween.

  10. All righty then. Never dull is it?

  11. I think I am going to request that you start putting 'beverage alerts' on posts like this one.

    'Cause spewing Mt Dew through my nasopharynx and out my nostrils really kinda burns and makes a helluva mess on my keyboard.

  12. Sorry, Ninja. I already owe Angry Medic a keyboard.

  13. Id have said, "white pumps really goes better with that dress in June. I bet they have a great time shopping together. "Mom, does this dress clash with my mustache?"

  14. I just want to know how in the world did you keep a straight face. I mean, she didn't even warn you. I would have had to walk away and get a grip before I could have spoken to him. Great job!!!

  15. Yes, beverage alert needed for this post. Hot coffee - with cream and sugar out the nose = ow.

  16. Ok, Ok, I know where you're in Key West, right? And I know you.......right? He he he.......

  17. The last time I donated blood with the red cross, I noticed a change in their questions.

    The new question actually states:
    "Were you born as a male or a female"!!!!

    Apparently the questionaire for males and females is different...

  18. It doesn't matter whether they're wearing leather jackets or floral print gowns. Real men love their mommas.


So wadda you think?