Monday, June 29, 2009

Does Anyone Else Think This is Weird?

All right, this is an actual e-mail Mrs. Grumpy got from her Mom today about a new set of pots & pans my in-laws bought. I think it's weird, but maybe it's just me.

"Okay, we went to a Salad Master sales dinner and bought us some top-of-the-line cookware.

We didn't get the big set, which has enough pans to cook for an army. We bought a starter set and got 3 extra pieces just for foolishly buying this over-priced cookware. It is very nice, and I know I will like it.

It comes with a 'beyond your lifetime warranty', meaning it's guaranteed to outlast us. So we had to list you as a next of kin for who the set and warranty will transfer to when we die.

So your name is listed as an owner when we no longer need, or can use the cookware...behold, you are the proud owner, and are already registered with the company as the future owner."


  1. Wonder if you'll be notified as next of kin should any of the pans come to an untimely end....never know what might happen being so close to high temperatures and garbage disposals. ;D

  2. So have you picked whomever will be your beneficiary? Forever is a long time.

  3. Sale leads? I would never list any next of kin for a set of cookware. Who thought of that idea?

    Again, it sounds like a way of generating leads for sales. Let us know if the company contacts her to buy.

  4. Oh my. Crazy. I bet they do call your wife trying to get her to buy them.

  5. Tasteless. It's just a marketing gimmick, and like the other person said probably a way to generate leads. Completely classless.

  6. Kinda like 71 year old Madoff getting 150 year sentence.....a beyond your lifetime thing.

  7. I don't know about weird, but it certainly made me laugh!

    Thinking about it,yup, weird.

    : )

  8. Def. weird. Hope that they don't sell your name and contact info....

  9. At least you don't have to take posession until after your inlaws pass on; then you can donate them to the thrift shop. My M-i-L buys us a high-end cooking implement for each gift giving occasion (birthdays, channukah, anniversary). We have 3 kinds of clay ovens, each specific to some regional/ethnic cuisine. And we have to use the weird things when she comes to visit.

  10. Hmmm sounds like maybe Mr. In-law was the one who bought them and Mrs In-law is being facetious.

    Or maybe they're just oddly excited about this in a very random way.

    Either way - pretty entertaining.

  11. My husband was conned into buying knives that would be "forever sharp" - it's amazing how often I have to sharpen them.

  12. Did she have to cough up your wife's social security number? (J/K).

    I have a friend of a coworker's cousin who sells Kirby Vacuum cleaners...I can make a referral?


  13. Wow. Congratulations? I think.


So wadda you think?