Monday, May 18, 2009

You're lecturing ME???

We all have our vices. Mine is Diet Coke. I admit it. If my carbonation perversion offends you, go read another blog.

My 8:00 patient this morning, who smokes 2 packs a day and reeks of it, chewed ME out for drinking a Diet Coke during the appointment!

She gave me a 10 minute harangue of how bad it was for me, and how she never touches the stuff because she'd NEVER put something that dangerous in her body!

She had an unlit cigarette in her mouth the whole time, too.


  1. I've hitch-hiked over from "The Angry Medic" That made me grin at her self-righeous idiocy, but your adventures on the Wi-Fit board had me in hysterics. I can just see it! Our dogs scuttle to hide when the kids pull it out!

  2. Yeah, it's a weapon of mass living room destruction.

  3. LOL! I found you from The Angry Pharmacist...consider me your newest fan!

  4. Move over Lipstick, I found him first haha.
    At least your Diet coke is calorie free, I am a coke-a holic. Fully leaded and sugared.
    At about 930 every morning I hear one calling my name. I went to the golf course the other day and had my Coke with me. My health-nut had to make a remark..."chick, its 9 in the morning, and you are having Coke?? for breakfast???
    Whats your point pinhead, its no worse than a cup of coffee!
    Pharmacy God loved Coke too...

  5. Yeah, I go through 5-8 cans a day.

    Cheaper then a Starbucks habit!

  6. what's the CPT code for having a patient counsel you about your health?

  7. Hi,

    It is strange that patient would get upset about your drinking a caffeinated, no calorie beverage at 8:30, especially since the patient has some vices that can cause more damage of his or her own. I was raised by two physicians- the first thing I learned to make was coffee. My father makes incredibly strong coffee and the first time I had coffee somewhere else, my response was "What is this?" Is this coffee?" It was, but it took me a while to realize that Dad's was fully leaded coffee. So my brothers and I either drink strong coffee or Diet Coke- no compromises.

    I have seen many neurologists for migraine and seeing one drink coffee would be the least of my problems.

    If it helps-keep drinking the diet coke.

    Cool Story.


  8. Oh, I am NOT giving up Diet Coke.

  9. I (med student) have been lectured by a doctor for drinking Coke Zero... "I don't know how you can put all those chemicals into your body" while he puffed away on his third cigarette of the lunch break.

    He seemed kinda surprised when I explained out that I don't take dietary advice from smokers...

  10. Reminds me of my roommate who always gets all huffy when I use Raid around the house, because it's so poisonous and bad for humans to inhale. He's a smoker.

  11. My friend likes to harass me anytime I drink diet anything or chew sugar free gum...
    "aspartame will put holes in your brain" she likes to say....
    Guess I am making business for you.

  12. It's so easy for these people to criticize others while overlooking their own insane habits.

  13. I quit smoking.

    I rarely drink anything alcoholic.

    But I swear, as God is my witness, they will have to pry my Diet Coke from my cold, dead fingers.

  14. I've had people rant and rave to me about drinking diet coke or pepsi first thing in the morning. I have couple of the large cases from BJ's sitting in my garage in a minifridge that's all my own. It's cheaper than buying it one a time from a vending machine or the local store.

    I also have to agree with Amanda that they day they take my soda from me, I'll have to be dead and in the grave for a long time.

  15. When I smoked my FP would always give me a stern warning to quit. It never failed that I could reach into his pocket and extract an unlit cigar that he was waiting to light up on break.

    We always had a good laugh about the hypocrisy, but we both knew we shouldn't smoke and wanted to quit.

    I miss him terribly as he is retired now, but I always wondered if he quit too.

    Love the blog! :)


So wadda you think?