Friday, May 8, 2009

No Wonder It's Being Closed

Mrs. Grumpy is out of town, so I had the pleasure of taking the tribe to school today.

The kids' school is being closed next month due to budget cuts. So there's a sign on the notice board outside the school office. It said this. I am not joking.

"Help us say goodby to our belovid school. We are having a farwell party at Dave's Piza on May 21, 2009 at 6:00 p.m."


  1. Seems like closing that school is probably a pretty good choice.

  2. Oh damn, that sucks. I hope you don't have a hard time finding another school in the area. A lot of schools here are closing down temporarily because of swine flu... great timing, swine flu. :(

  3. I totally believe it. My son's
    5th grade yearbook had a page dedicated to their beloved principal. Title: "Our Principle".

  4. Yup, I think I see why its being closed.

  5. It looks like they ran out of Es and Zs.

  6. Looks like a job for LetterMan!

    It's a word! It's a plan! It's LetterMan!

  7. Wow. No child left behind? ::snerk::


So wadda you think?